
Is there a 404 Threat To My Business?

Is there a 404 Threat To My Business?

Error 404, written on paper

Having a well-designed, structured, user-friendly website that ranks among first if not the first on search engines has become a necessity. It is "a must" in today's modern business world whether you have a small, local company or running a large scale business. A company or a brand without a website is basically equivalent to a person with no identity. World Wide Web is a giant encyclopedia of information and if your business is not a part of it, the chances of success are slim to none.

Having a well-designed, structured, user-friendly website that ranks among first if not the first on search engines has become a necessity. It is "a must" in today's modern business world whether you have a small, local company or running a large scale business. A company or a brand without a website is basically equivalent to a person with no identity. World Wide Web is a giant encyclopedia of information and if your business is not a part of it, the chances of success are slim to none.

All by myself!

Today, more and more business owners are using the benefits of website building platforms such as WordPress, Wix, Weebly, and others. This is due to the fact that not only they're easy to use, but they also allow you to take total control over the website. You can make changes at any time, without the need to pay a professional to do it for you. However, what many business owners don’t realize is that these changes could actually damage their website, reputation and, ultimately, their brand.

One of the most common problems that may lead to some very unpleasant consequences is a broken link (dead link, rotten link), the famous “404 Error” on your website. Even though it may not seem so bad on the surface, the truth is it can do some serious damage to your reputation and your business. It can hurt your search rankings and your site's user experience, and also result in lost customers and revenue. This prevents users from accessing the information they want or from completing a task. This often results your website´s visitors to move to the next site that works (most likely one of your competitors). On the other side, it is hard to expect that the visitors and potential customers will trust enough to hand over their information or credit card details to an unreliable site that "doesn't even work"?

Check Your Online Assets

Error 404, page not foundTrust takes time to build, but only a moment to lose. So how exactly do links become “broken or dead,” anyways? Well, the answer to this question cannot be restricted to one main, exclusive cause. A broken link can be caused by a typo when you created the link, renamed or moved a page and forgot to update your internal links. Also linked content such as images, videos, PDFs, that have been deleted or moved, may be a reason for a dead link. If you delete an entire web page or maybe even changed the domain name and moved the website to an entirely new URL, a broken link is created. Finally, if a webpage links to a source outside of your domain also known as a third party’s site and the URL of that content is modified or moved to another location, the link is effectively broken as well. As seen, broken links can happen through a variety of causes.

Can this be fixed?

Even though it may seem like a potentially big problem there are many tools out there that can help you locate and "cure" dead links. Yeah, in this case, death is curable. Tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, SemRush are exclusively designed to track down these links and help you resolve these issues.

However, even though it may seem like an easy task it is definitely better to leave it to Digital Marketing experts. They will apply a lot of well-established and innovative SEO hacks and strategies, which will eventually not only resolve these sorts of problems and improve your ranking in search engines but also, provide a significant boost to your website's visitor’s number resulting in potentially increased revenue.